Personal Affairs      

Personal Affairs

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Personal Affairs

by Joey Fitzpatrick

Joey Fitzpatrick’s weekly column cuts through technical mumbo-jumbo that plagues modern life. A financial column for the rest of us. Most of us realize we are on our own when it comes to managing our day-to-day affairs. Many times it can seem like a complicated business.

Joey Fitzpatrick’s weekly column cuts through technical mumbo-jumbo that plagues modern life. It spells out answers to questions that everyone will ask at some point in their lives. Do I really need life insurance? What exactly do lawyers do for me as they're charging me $150 per hour? Are the service fees the banks are charging fair? How do I complain effectively when I haven't received my money's worth? The information provided is entry-level and is accessibly written for those of us searching our way through the morass of everyday life. It combines useful information with insight on the various professions and institutions that sometimes seem to dominate our lives - banks, public utilities, the legal profession, government, the telecommunications industry, the health care system, insurance companies. Personal Affairs appears weekly in The Halifax Sunday Herald.



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