Romantic Leads
by Janine Taylor
A lighthearted look at the most popular fiction genre: romance. Something
new and entertaining for a largely neglected audience.
Who reads romance novels? Apparently, many of us, but most keep a it secret. Romance
novels are consistently on the best seller lists and statistics suggest the average reader
of romance is a highly-educated mother, who owns her own home, her family income is higher
than average and she is a regular newspaper reader.
Just like daytime drama, romance novels are afforded precious little respect and
therefore are often overlooked by newspaper editors. Well, Romantic Leads offers your
paper the opportunity to embrace that demographic. Each column provides a few choice
selections from the world of happily-ever-after to help your readers spend their
entertainment dollars wisely.
Long-time romance addict, Janine Taylor writes her column for the Halifax Sunday Herald
and the Guelph Mercury.